Wednesday 4 September 2019

Aviation Career | IATS Aviation

The aviation industry, an integral part of society, needs qualified personnel for an array of aviation careers. The aviation industry provides careers requiring various skills, interests and backgrounds. Many of the entry-level aviation jobs include extensive customer service contact requiring strong communication and interpersonal skills.

IATS Aviation

Some aviation careers require certification from the Federal Aviation Administration, such as pilot and air traffic control specialist. Some aviation careers, including an aviation business manager, may require a college degree. In this section click on a link to access a thorough review of an aviation career you're interested in. Learn about daily activities, the salary, the employment outlook, the education requirements and much more. Once you've explored this page on Aviation Careers we encourage you to keep reading our website's extensive career guide with details on job options, education requirements and salaries.

Air Hostess

Prior to each flight, flight attendants attend a safety briefing with the pilots and lead flight attendant. During this briefing, they go over safety and emergency checklists, the locations and amounts of emergency equipment and other features specific to that aircraft type. Boarding particulars are verified, such as special needs passengers, small children traveling as unaccompanied or VIPs. Weather conditions are discussed including anticipated turbulence. Prior to each flight a safety check is conducted to ensure all equipment such as life-vests, torches (flashlights) and firefighting equipment are on board, in the right quantity, and in proper condition. Any unserviceable or missing items must be reported and rectified prior to takeoff. They must monitor the cabin for any unusual smells or situations. They assist with the loading of carry-on baggage, checking for weight, size and dangerous goods. They make sure those sitting in emergency exit rows are willing and able to assist in an evacuation and move those who are not willing or able out of the row into another seat. They then must do a safety demonstration or monitor passengers as they watch a safety video. They then must "secure the cabin" ensuring tray tables are stowed, seats are in their upright positions, armrests down and carry-ons stowed correctly and seat belts are fastened prior to takeoff. All the service between boarding and take-off is called Pre Take off Service.

A Career in the Sky

Flight attendants are trained to deal with a wide variety of emergencies, and are trained in first aid. More frequent situations may include a bleeding nose, illness, small injuries, intoxicated passengers, aggressive and anxiety stricken passengers. Emergency training includes rejected takeoffs, emergency landings, cardiac and in-flight medical situations, smoke in the cabin, fires, depressurization, on-board births and deaths, dangerous goods and spills in the cabin, emergency evacuations, hijackings, and water landings. Once up in the air, flight attendants will usually serve drinks and/or food to passengers using an airline service trolley. When not performing customer service duties, flight attendants must periodically conduct cabin checks and listen for any unusual noises or situations. Checks must also be done on the lavatory to ensure the smoke detector hasn't been disabled or destroyed and to restock supplies as needed. Regular cockpit checks must be done to ensure the health and safety of the pilot(s). They must also respond to call lights dealing with special requests. During turbulence, flight attendants must ensure the cabin is secure. Prior to landing, all loose items, trays and rubbish must be collected and secured along with service and galley equipment. All hot liquids must be disposed of. A final cabin check must then be completed prior to landing. It is vital that flight attendants remain aware as the majority of emergencies occur during takeoff and landing. Upon landing, flight attendants must remain stationed at exits and monitor the airplane and cabin as passengers disembark the plane. They also assist any special needs passengers and small children off the airplane and escort children, while following the proper paperwork and ID process to escort them to the designated person picking them up.


IATS Aviation College, made its humble beginning in June 1996 at ADOOR, a bustling town in God's own country. We have started our prestigious training centre in THIRUVANANTHAPURAM in 2013 and our COCHIN centre was inaugurated in 2014.

IATS - Aviation Institute

In a short span of time, IATS Aviation College has carved a name for itself in the travel arena by producing professionals of excellent calibre. Job potential in both Airports and Airlines has increased in recent decades. 
Mastering of communication skills, specialized training by Airline industry professionals and imparting efficient training programmes in travel formalities are the hallmarks of IATS education. 

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Call us on            +91 9947 45 9000

Monday 2 September 2019

Trends in Airline Industry | IATS Aviation Academy

The trajectory of the global airline industry is pretty much like that of an aircraft. At times it takes off for the high skies and at times, it dips to ground levels. 

Airline Industry

In between these highs and lows, lies the story of the industry of its survival, of the new and emerging trends that fuel its growth. 

Brand Equity

A number of leading global airlines have taken off on their 'social' flight and some are indulging in novel ways to engage with customers to build lasting relationships with them. Yes, it does mean stepping out of the corporate comfort zone and engaging real-time with the customer, but that's a feat airlines will have to achieve if they want to enhance brand equity and get a mind share of today's customer. While some airlines have taken a lead in engaging with customers on social media and social media management, others are still wetting their feet. Among the recent innovative airline social media campaigns and initiatives are Virgin Atlantic's (VA) 'Looking for Linda', an interactive contest that got customers hooked with its unique concept; KLM's 'Meet & Seat' service where fliers can select seats alongside fellow passengers based on mutual interests in their social media profiles; and British Airways' Facebook application called 'Perfect Days' that encourages travelers to share a travel wish list and itinerary via a Facebook. 

The Brand tells you all

As social media takes precedence in the overall customer relationship management pie, airlines will need to look at building a large and robust resource pool that can respond to customer queries, complaints, posts and tweets round the clock. 
As studies indicate, today the volume of social media communication for some of the world's leading airlines, ranges between 15,000 – 200,000 tweets and between 60,000 – 1,000,000 Facebook fans, but in the near future, the numbers will increase phenomenally. And as BBC presenter Nik Gowing observes in his study, 'Skyful of Lies and Black Swans', there is still a long way to go before airlines can actually become competent in the social media management. It will thus, make strategic sense for airlines to partner with providers that can provide them with a readymade resource pool of social media experts and technology platforms that help enhance brand equity on social media.

Online Medium

The online medium – the Internet, represented by online travel agencies and Websites in the airline business, is today a powerful revenue generator for airlines. As indicated by market research data, almost 75 percent of air tickets today are bought online. e-Commerce and automation of business processes such as web check-in have largely enhanced the convenience of air travel. Added to that is the increasing popularity of the smart phone, which is expected to play an active role in customer relationship management and revenue generation in the time to come.
Airline Business

No matter how strong the online channel becomes, the offline channel or the airline customer service contact center will still continue to be a critical touch point between the airlines and its passengers, thanks to the 'personal' touch it brings. For many service-related complaints and challenges, passengers still prefer to 'speak' with a customer service agent. In many instances, customers often drop off from making an online purchase of air tickets or travel packages because of technical errors, slow Website speed, or during the billing process using debit / credit cards. Such customers can be retained by the intelligent convergence of the online and offline channels, either by the smart placement of the customer service contact center number or by activating a click-to-call feature either on the airlines’ Website or on the travel agencies' Websites. Where the online channel fails, the offline channel – the customer service contact center can take over smoothly to solve customer queries or problems.


With the proliferation of channels, the data generated in each channel is multiplying by the minute. This huge pile of data is a gold mine that contains very crucial information on passenger profiles, choices and preferences that can be leveraged by airlines to develop product offerings, strike away product / service offerings that do not appeal to customers, monitor challenges faced by customers and provide customized solutions, predict customer needs and preferences by the analysis of historical data and effectively cross- and / or up-sell additional products or services. 
Perfect Analytics

All this and much more in terms of sales, marketing and customer service can be achieved with the help of analytics. With its ability to extract crucial information from a huge pile of data that helps businesses make sound business decisions, analytics is emerging as a strategic enabler for the airlines business. For the airline industry analytics assumes importance in the form of social media analytics,contact center and speech analytics and revenue model analytics (particularly in the proration process). 
An altimeter measures the height of an aircraft above sea level – a crucial piece of information for the aircraft to remain aloft. Analytics equips the airlines business with crucial insights, in that sense, analytics is emerging as an 'altimeter' that will help the airline business stay aloft.


Inadvertently rising fuel prices, dull economic conditions and increasing competition are realities that are biting into the revenue generating potential of the global airlines business today. Airline companies are thus exploring newer ways of changing the course in revenue generation. Some of these strategies include tapping alternate revenue generating streams such as selling ancillary products and services across the value chain or stopping revenue leakage via the total revenue integrity route.

Revenue Inflow

The ancillary route is an important revenue generator for airlines today. According to a PwC report, the top five U.S. carriers generated more than US$ 12 billion in ancillary revenue during 2011. Services that are emerging as hot favorites in the ancillary services menu include paying for checked baggage, booking a preferred seat and wi-fi connectivity. Most airlines are faced with the problem of revenue leakage at various levels of the business and are now actively looking at reining in this challenge by initiating a total revenue integrity program. Airlines must look at total revenue integrity program that cuts across multiple processes including ticketing processes, e-ticketing, departure control and customer relationship management.

Regulation and Standardisation

Regulations and directives on standardization will continue to dominate the airline business environment now and in the future. Most of these regulations are related to finance and accounting, environment and consumer rights. For instance, while airlines in the European Union are penalized for emissions above the limit specified by regulatory authorities, American airlines are adapting to the new pricing rules set by the U.S. Department of Transportation, wherein airline companies will have to include all taxes and fees while advertising fares for their flights.
Airport Operations

While regulation envisages increased safety of passengers and improved sustainability of the business, compliance adds to the total cost of operations. It is a cost that airlines must bear on their own - without passing on to passengers. Since new regulations are a given for the global airlines industry, airlines must engage in a compliance program that can optimize business processes and transform operations. 
In a bid to ease the effect on various environmental factors on the revenue of the global airlines, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) has introduced a directive – the Simplified Interline Settlement (SIS) that aims to standardize and speed up the interline billing and settlement in the industry. Here again, as airlines take the plunge towards standardization of the interline billing and settlement process, they will need to carefully look for a partner and a program that will be cost-effective and help process optimization.

IATS - Aviation Academy

IATS - Aviation Institute

In a short span of time, IATS Aviation College has carved a name for itself in the travel arena by producing professionals of excellent calibre. Job potential in both Airports and Airlines has increased in recent decades. 
Mastering of communication skills, specialized training by Airline industry professionals and imparting efficient training programmes in travel formalities are the hallmarks of IATS education. 

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Air Hostess Job | Aviation Career | IATS

Air hostesses, also called flight attendants, are responsible for thousands of peoples' lives each week. Their responsibilities run from demonstrating safety procedures to serving meals and drinks. Some even help nervous passengers relax, such as when turbulence is high. 

A Career in the Sky

They also perform administrative duties for their captains and employers. You must be highly attentive and friendly to perform the job of air hostess, and you need excellent communication and customer service skills.

Safety Responsibilities

You would be responsible for ensuring all passengers are seated and secure before takeoffs and landings as an air hostess. Your duties would also include securing the main door on flights and instructing passengers on all safety procedures. Safety procedures usually include demonstrating the use of oxygen masks and flotation devices, such as passenger cushions. 

Customer are Important

You would also cover evacuation procedures during emergency landings or crashes, apprising passengers of all exits. Additionally, an air hostess ensures that all cabin equipment is working before flights.

Service Duties

Air hostesses are expected to provide exceptional customer service during flights, as the airline business is highly competitive. Your service duties would include passing out pillows and reading materials before takeoff. 

Career at Sky

You may also provide special services, such as getting booster seats for toddlers or escorting elderly passengers on and off the plane. You would also serve drinks, snacks and meals on some flights, and collect trays, trash and glasses before landing.

Administrative Duties

An air hostess is also responsible for counting inventory before and after flights, and then reconciling payments received with items sold. You would also report any incidents that occurred during flights, including medical emergencies. 

Administrative Duties

Air hostesses are required to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures, or CPR, during training, according to the BLS. Any first aid help you provide also would be reported to your captain and airline company. You may also report on the condition of the cabin before and after a flight.

Work Environment

You must like to travel if you choose the career of air hostess. Hours may be highly irregular, and you may work weekends and evenings. 

Sky is not the Limit

These professionals also spend significant amounts of time away from their families. You would spend about 75 to 90 hours per month in the air, according to the BLS, and 50 hours monthly performing administrative duties at airport terminals helping passengers with flight information or writing reports.

Education and Training

A high school degree or GED is usually sufficient for air hostess jobs. But your job opportunities are greater with a bachelor's degree in hospitality, communications or tourism. After graduating, you would spend three to six months training -- both in the classroom and on planes. Learning a foreign language is a requirement if you travel internationally. And, air hostesses who work for U.S. companies must be certified by the Federal Aviation Administration after training, according to the BLS.

Salary and Benefits

Air hostesses earned average annual salaries of $41,720 as of May 2011, according to the BLS. You would make over $62,470 per year if you are in the top 10 percent of earnings. And, your benefits may include medical insurance, paid time off, a retirement plan and discounts on flights and travel.

IATS - Aviation Institute

IATS Aviation College, made its humble beginning in June 1996 at ADOOR, a bustling town in God's own country. We have started our prestigious training centre in THIRUVANANTHAPURAM in 2013 and our COCHIN centre was inaugurated in 2014.

IATS - Aviation Institute

In a short span of time, IATS Aviation College has carved a name for itself in the travel arena by producing professionals of excellent calibre. Job potential in both Airports and Airlines has increased in recent decades. Mastering of communication skills, specialized training by Airline industry professionals and imparting efficient training programmes in travel formalities are the hallmarks of IATS education. 

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IATA Courses | IATS Aviation Institute

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is a trade association of the world’s airlines. Consisting of 290 airlines, primarily major carriers, representing 117 countries, the IATA's member airlines account for carrying approximately 82% of total available seat miles air traffic. IATA supports airline activity and helps formulate industry policy and standards. It is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada with Executive Offices in Geneva, Switzerland.

IATA was formed in April 1945 in Havana, Cuba. It is the successor to the International Air Traffic Association, which was formed in 1919 at The Hague, Netherlands. At its founding, IATA consisted of 57 airlines from 31 countries. Much of IATA’s early work was technical and it provided input to the newly created International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which was reflected in the annexes of the Chicago Convention, the international treaty that still governs the conduct of international air transport today. The Chicago Convention couldn’t resolve the issue of who flies where, however, and this has resulted in the thousands of bilateral air transport agreements in existence today. The benchmark standard for the early bilaterals was the 1946 United States-United Kingdom Bermuda Agreement.

International Air Transport Association
IATA has been described as "the world aviation cartel". IATA enjoyed immunity from antitrust law in several nations.At a time when many airlines were government owned and loss-making, IATA operated as a cartel, charged by the governments with setting a fixed fare structure that avoided price competition. The first Traffic Conference was held in 1947 in Rio de Janeiro and reached unanimous agreement on some 400 resolutions. In 2006, IATA entered into a consent decree with the United States Department of Justice related to alleged price fixing at its tariff conferences.



IATA states that safety is its number one priority. The main instrument for safety is the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA). IOSA has also been mandated at the state level by several countries. In 2017, aviation posted its safest year ever, surpassing the previous record set in 2012. The new global Western-built jet accident rate became the equivalent of one accident every 7.36 million flights. 
Safety is prime

Future improvements will be founded on data sharing with a database fed by a multitude of sources and housed by the Global Safety Information Center. In June 2014 the IATA set up a special panel to study measures to track aircraft in flight in real time. The move was in response to the disappearance without trace of 
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on 8 March 2014.

Simplifying the Business

Simplifying the Business was launched in 2004. This initiative has introduced a number of crucial concepts to passenger travel, including the electronic ticket and the bar coded boarding pass. Many other innovations are being established as part of the Fast Travel initiative, including a range of self-service baggage options. 

Airline Business

An innovative program, launched in 2012 is New Distribution Capability.
 This will replace the pre-Internet EDIFACT messaging standard that is still the basis of the global distribution system /travel agent channel and replace it with an XML standard. This will enable the same choices to be offered to high street travel shoppers as are offered to those who book directly through airline websites. A filing with the US Department of Transportation brought over 400 comments.


IATA members and all industry stakeholders have agreed to three sequential environmental goals:
  1. An average improvement in fuel efficiency of 1.5% per annum from 2009 through 2020
  2. A cap on net carbon emissions from aviation from 2020 (carbon-neutral growth)
  3. A 50% reduction in net aviation carbon emissions by 2050 relative to 2005 levels.

Zero Carbon - Environment Friendly

At the 69th IATA annual general meeting in Cape Town, South Africa, members overwhelmingly endorsed a resolution on "Implementation of the Aviation Carbon-Neutral Growth (CNG2020) Strategy."
The resolution provides governments with a set of principles on how governments could:
  • Establish procedures for a single market-based measure (MBM)
  • Integrate a single MBM as part of an overall package of measures to achieve CNG2020
IATA member airlines agreed that a single mandatory carbon offsetting scheme would be the simplest and most effective option for an MBM.

IATA - Aviation Institute

IATS Aviation College, made its humble beginning in June 1996 at ADOOR, a bustling town in God's own country. We have started our prestigious training centre in THIRUVANANTHAPURAM in 2013 and our COCHIN centre was inaugurated in 2014.

IATS - Aviation Institute

In a short span of time, IATS Aviation College has carved a name for itself in the travel arena by producing professionals of excellent calibre. Job potential in both Airports and Airlines has increased in recent decades. 
Mastering of communication skills, specialized training by Airline industry professionals and imparting efficient training programmes in travel formalities are the hallmarks of IATS education. 
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Call us on            +91 9947 45 9000

Aviation and Career | IATS Aviation Institute

The Aviation sector has been providing numerous job opportunities to graduates in India. In the past, in case of India, there weren’t many courses that focused on the aviation sector and groomed students to take on roles in that sector. Usually, Graduates of any discipline used to apply for aviation jobs. They used to get trained after they were selected after an interview. At present, things have changed! There are many aviation sector oriented courses present, which cater to the needs of the aviation Industry! In this article, I will list some of the best Aviation field related courses, which students may pursue after finishing their 12th standard schooling. As usual, I will provide basic course details, eligibility criteria, scope and job opportunities associated with the course etc.

Jobs in Aviation

  • BBA in Airport Management

It is a 3 years long Undergraduate management program. The good news is that many B.B.A. programs allows students to specialize in certain area/discipline. In our case, it is a program that focuses on the running and management of an Airport. If one is keen on improving one’s qualifications, then he/she may also go for an M.B.A. Degree after completing this B.B.A. program.
After completing the course, graduates may get hired at major International or Domestic Airports. Average starting salary is usually between 3-6 Lakh Rupees per year. Job roles available are
  • Airport Manager
  • Administrator
  • Staff Manager
  • Safety Officer
B.B.A. in Airport Management trains students to take on Managerial and Administrative posts in an Airport. The course material covers subjects like
  • Introduction to Airport Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Accounting
  • Financial Management
  • Marketing
  • Safety Management
  • Diploma in Airport Management
This is a Diploma course that lasts 1 year and focuses solely on the area of Airport Management. While it does a better job in dealing with the technical details, when compared to B.B.A. program, I must also admit that this Diploma Degree doesn’t possess as much value as the B.B.A. program does. A good way to solve this problem is by going for a Post Graduate Diploma in Airport Management after finishing any Graduation course.
Important subjects covered in Diploma in Airport Management course are
  • Airport Strategy and Functioning
  • Cargo Management and Handling
  • Staff Management
  • Safety and Security Management

  • Diploma in Cabin Crew and Ground Staff Training
This Diploma course is aimed at training students to take on roles of Air Hostess, Steward on Flights. The course duration varies, but is generally 6 months or 1 year long. Some important subjects taught in this course are
  • Communication Skills
  • Customer Services
  • In Flight training
  • Safety and First Aid procedures
  • Food and Beverage production and serving
  • Diploma in Aviation Hospitality
Hospitality has become an indispensable element, no matter what Industry we are dealing with. Aviation sector is no different, it too requires qualified and skilled professionals, who are capable of taking care of Hospitality needs of the Aviation sector. The course duration is 1 year. Important subjects covered in this course are-
  • Introduction to Aviation Hospitality
  • Communications Skills
  • Management
  • Food and Beverage production
  • Foreign Languages
  • Front Office operations
  • Computer and IT skills
  • B. Sc. Aviation
B.Sc. in Aviation is a 3 years long Undergraduate Degree program. This course covers topics such as Air Regulations, Navigation, Meteorology, Aircraft and Engine, Air Traffic Control, Aviation Security, Flight Safety and Crew Management. After pursuing this course, successful candidates may take up jobs such as Air Traffic Controller, Ground operations staff, Cargo management staff, Ticketing staff etc. One may also go for PG courses related to Aviation sector, such as MBA (relevant), M.Sc. Aviation Safety, PG Diploma courses (relevant) etc. If interested, successful candidates may also go for CPL training. 

IATS Aviation Institute

IATS Aviation College, made its humble beginning in June 1996 at ADOOR, a bustling town in God's own country. We have started our prestigious training centre in THIRUVANANTHAPURAM in 2013 and our COCHIN centre was inaugurated in 2014.

IATS - Aviation Institute

In a short span of time, IATS Aviation College has carved a name for itself in the travel arena by producing professionals of excellent calibre. Job potential in both Airports and Airlines has increased in recent decades. 
Mastering of communication skills, specialized training by Airline industry professionals and imparting efficient training programmes in travel formalities are the hallmarks of IATS education. 

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Call us on            +91 9947 45 9000

Best IATA Institute | IATS Aviation Institute

Airports are massive and complex organisations. Paris Aeroport – one of the busiest airports in the world – describes itself as a ‘factory of the future’ – “Management on a daily basis of industrial processes such as the handling of thousands of pieces of luggage that come through our airports each day,” the Paris Aeroport website quotes.

Future Airport

It’s true that airports need to refine their processes with the exacting precision of advanced manufacturing to facilitate the smooth flow of people, baggage, and the aircrafts themselves. To achieve that, airports are heavily investing in the IoT and other smart technologies, looking to leverage the ability for technology to enhance efficiency, productivity, and security.

The Future Airport

 From sensors deployed throughout the airport to monitor and manage temperature and lighting, to RFID tags to better direct baggage to the correct aircraft, smart check-in kiosks and unmanned bag drops, cameras with facial recognition and predictive AI to heighten security, and unified communications to enable instant communication across the entire airport, technology is being used in ever-more complex and integral ways across the entire airport.A good example of the thinking that is going into these smart airport designs is Dubai International Airport. One of the growing hubs of airport traffic and commerce across the world, Dubai needed a new datacentre to handle the growth in demand that operations were putting on its systems, and the expected jump in numbers of passengers from 83.6 million in 2016 to 118 million by 2025.

Air Traffic Control

The airport selected the Huawei FusionModule 1000B prefabricated modular datacentre solution on the promise of a 99.98 percent availability and annual downtime of under 1.6 hours. As a prefabricated unit, the project could also be completed within 10 months, meeting Dubai Airport’s urgent need to upgrade their technology in a timely fashion.
Dubai International Airport then wasted no time in putting that technology to work in enabling a host of smart features within the facility, and because of the promise of near-complete availability, could use it as a platform to innovate on the airport’s critical processes. Now, passengers can complete the immigration process within seconds thanks to the Smart Gate service. Additionally, electronic boarding passes, as well as electronic bag tags, allow passengers to track their baggage throughout the journey.Another example is that :HUAWEI and Shenzhen Airport work together for the project of IATA's Future Airport, including the Airport  Intelligent Integrated Operational Center, Smart navigation lights, Visualized ground service, E2E self-boarding by FaceID, etc.

Future Service

The key principle behind smart airport design is in the creation of an “airport sensing layer” in which a blend of channels including eLTE, WiFi, and agile networks are used to enable Cloud-based unified communications, video, IoT, and big data platforms that blanket the entire airport. This is important in establishing the real time management of airports, which has previously been a challenge. With the number of flights at most airports increasing, precision handling of time and scheduling has become ever-more critical, and without that blanket of technologies over the airport, it makes it difficult to monitor the entire airport in true real time. AI is another critical technology innovation that is enabled through a Cloud-based smart airport solution. AI can be utilised for a wide range of applications, ranging from the basic (customer service) to the more mission critical; as airports fill up and scheduling becomes tighter, being able to apply predictive analytics to increase the operational efficiency on the airfield is a critical next step in keeping the airport running smoothly. Finally, investing in smart technology means that airports will be better placed to handle the future development of regulation in their space. 

Airport Operations

For example, on June 1, 2018, the IATA Resolution 753 came into effect
. This resolution was designed to reduce mishandling of luggage, and requires airports to track baggage at four separate key points – passenger handover, loading onto the aircraft, delivery to the transfer area, and the return to the passenger. Implementing the airport sensing layer is essential for airports to ensure they meet this news requirement in an efficient manner. Airports are highly regulated spaces, and as locations that effectively function as small cities (both in terms of the number of people that pass through them, and what occurs within them), the logistics involved in managing them is complex and wide in scope. Technology solutions, such as Huawei’s Smart Airport Visualized Operations Solution, are important in making sure that not only can the airport continue to score well on satisfaction surveys with customers, but it can meet its ever-changing and more technologically-driven regulatory requirements as well. As one of the global leaders in R&D, Huawei has a wide range of technology solutions to benefit enterprise and government alike. 

Aviation Career - IATS

IATS Aviation College, made its humble beginning in June 1996 at ADOOR, a bustling town in God's own country. We have started our prestigious training centre in THIRUVANANTHAPURAM in 2013 and our COCHIN centre was inaugurated in 2014. In a short span of time, IATS Aviation College Aviation College has carved a name for itself in the travel arena by producing professionals of excellent calibre. 

IATS Aviation College

Job potential in both Airports and Airlines has increased in recent decades. Mastering of communication skills, specialized training by Airline industry professionals and imparting efficient training programmes in travel formalities are the 
hallmarks of IATS Aviation College education. 

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