Monday 2 September 2019

IATA Courses | IATS Aviation Institute

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is a trade association of the world’s airlines. Consisting of 290 airlines, primarily major carriers, representing 117 countries, the IATA's member airlines account for carrying approximately 82% of total available seat miles air traffic. IATA supports airline activity and helps formulate industry policy and standards. It is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada with Executive Offices in Geneva, Switzerland.

IATA was formed in April 1945 in Havana, Cuba. It is the successor to the International Air Traffic Association, which was formed in 1919 at The Hague, Netherlands. At its founding, IATA consisted of 57 airlines from 31 countries. Much of IATA’s early work was technical and it provided input to the newly created International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which was reflected in the annexes of the Chicago Convention, the international treaty that still governs the conduct of international air transport today. The Chicago Convention couldn’t resolve the issue of who flies where, however, and this has resulted in the thousands of bilateral air transport agreements in existence today. The benchmark standard for the early bilaterals was the 1946 United States-United Kingdom Bermuda Agreement.

International Air Transport Association
IATA has been described as "the world aviation cartel". IATA enjoyed immunity from antitrust law in several nations.At a time when many airlines were government owned and loss-making, IATA operated as a cartel, charged by the governments with setting a fixed fare structure that avoided price competition. The first Traffic Conference was held in 1947 in Rio de Janeiro and reached unanimous agreement on some 400 resolutions. In 2006, IATA entered into a consent decree with the United States Department of Justice related to alleged price fixing at its tariff conferences.



IATA states that safety is its number one priority. The main instrument for safety is the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA). IOSA has also been mandated at the state level by several countries. In 2017, aviation posted its safest year ever, surpassing the previous record set in 2012. The new global Western-built jet accident rate became the equivalent of one accident every 7.36 million flights. 
Safety is prime

Future improvements will be founded on data sharing with a database fed by a multitude of sources and housed by the Global Safety Information Center. In June 2014 the IATA set up a special panel to study measures to track aircraft in flight in real time. The move was in response to the disappearance without trace of 
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on 8 March 2014.

Simplifying the Business

Simplifying the Business was launched in 2004. This initiative has introduced a number of crucial concepts to passenger travel, including the electronic ticket and the bar coded boarding pass. Many other innovations are being established as part of the Fast Travel initiative, including a range of self-service baggage options. 

Airline Business

An innovative program, launched in 2012 is New Distribution Capability.
 This will replace the pre-Internet EDIFACT messaging standard that is still the basis of the global distribution system /travel agent channel and replace it with an XML standard. This will enable the same choices to be offered to high street travel shoppers as are offered to those who book directly through airline websites. A filing with the US Department of Transportation brought over 400 comments.


IATA members and all industry stakeholders have agreed to three sequential environmental goals:
  1. An average improvement in fuel efficiency of 1.5% per annum from 2009 through 2020
  2. A cap on net carbon emissions from aviation from 2020 (carbon-neutral growth)
  3. A 50% reduction in net aviation carbon emissions by 2050 relative to 2005 levels.

Zero Carbon - Environment Friendly

At the 69th IATA annual general meeting in Cape Town, South Africa, members overwhelmingly endorsed a resolution on "Implementation of the Aviation Carbon-Neutral Growth (CNG2020) Strategy."
The resolution provides governments with a set of principles on how governments could:
  • Establish procedures for a single market-based measure (MBM)
  • Integrate a single MBM as part of an overall package of measures to achieve CNG2020
IATA member airlines agreed that a single mandatory carbon offsetting scheme would be the simplest and most effective option for an MBM.

IATA - Aviation Institute

IATS Aviation College, made its humble beginning in June 1996 at ADOOR, a bustling town in God's own country. We have started our prestigious training centre in THIRUVANANTHAPURAM in 2013 and our COCHIN centre was inaugurated in 2014.

IATS - Aviation Institute

In a short span of time, IATS Aviation College has carved a name for itself in the travel arena by producing professionals of excellent calibre. Job potential in both Airports and Airlines has increased in recent decades. 
Mastering of communication skills, specialized training by Airline industry professionals and imparting efficient training programmes in travel formalities are the hallmarks of IATS education. 
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  1. IATA was so helpful and good communication with admiration and they are giving the valuable information and good approach with the students

  2. MNR Talent and Skill Development Institute (MNR TSDI), Maharashtra, this IATA aviation academy is one of the leading institute in India, MNR Educational Trust has 78 Institutions with more than 50000 students spread across 14 campuses in India, The Institute is associated with Indian Business School (ISB), Maharashtra, India.
